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Solar-Powered, 3G-enabled Variable Speed Limit Signs (VSLS) installed onto existing infrastructure to respond rapidly to traffic conditions and roadworks speed requirements during the M1/M3/Gateway Merge Project.


* Lendlease
* Transport & Main Roads Queensland


* 23 Wafer Variable Speed Limit Signs with Solar over ITS HOSTS

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The M1/M3/Gateway Merge Project aims to tackle congestion issues near Eight Mile Plains; however, due to the high traffic volumes and the staged nature of the project - the problem was finding traffic control signage that would be flexible enough to respond to the changing demands of the project, yet be completely autonomous and reliable.

J-LED’s solution was to install 23 Wafer Variable Speed Limit Signs (VSLS).  A tethered cradle mounted these lightweight (<12kg) signs onto existing infrastructure, including light poles and signposts.  Fully solar-powered and 3G enabled, these signs solve connectivity problems, enabling remote operation and monitoring with the benefit of eliminating costly capital works.

The result is a rapid response to incidents and traffic congestion, a reduction in the number of traffic controllers required to cover or deploy signs manually, and the elimination of the need for costly, time-consuming and often dangerous daily set-up/pull-down of static signage.


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